All posts in: books

07 Dec 2012

Best Reads of 2012

Welcome to my Best Reads of 2012 extravaganza! I am glad to have you. I hope you are not suffering from End of the Year Book List Fatigue. Personally, I don’t think that such fatigue is possible – if you claim to possess it, you are probably also a practicing hypochondriac, so I do not believe you.

These books are my favorites that I’ve read in 2012, but not limited to books published in 2012, because that list would be very short and wouldn’t be very much fun for me to curate.

I have a full-time job now, and I am still reading like a freak for Cybils, so you will have to wait until tomorrow for the fun to start.

You will also have to deal with my questionable graphic design skills. Ah, last year I had just moved my blog to this new space and I was all hearts and rainbows and Photoshop – I was going to have the prettiest blog in town! Look how the mighty have fallen – not only is my blog mostly the same, I have been doomed to using Powerpoint to craft all of my amateurish images.

Also worth noting, read that last linked post carefully for some heavy career foreshadowing! Creeepy…. also I should probably edit that up quickly.

ANYWAY, on with the show? I’m excited. I read some good books this year. Here is a schedule of upcoming events. Pencil them into your calendar.


Saturday, December 8thBest Middle Grade Fiction Reads

Sunday, December 9thBest Young Adult Fiction Reads

Monday, December 10thBest Adult Reads

Tuesday, December 11thBest Re-reads

Wednesday, December 12thBest Kid’s Nonfiction Reads (special Cybils edition!!)


Thursday, December 13th through Friday, December 21stTop 10 Best Reads!


10. Last Airlift: A Vietnamese Orphan’s Rescue by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch

9. Titanic: Voices From the Disaster by Deborah Hopkinson

8. Rookie Yearbook One edited by Tavi Gevinson

7. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

6. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

5. Dinner: A Love Story by Jenny Rosenstrach

4. This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz

3. Bomb: The Race to Build – and Steal – the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin

2. Life: An Exploded Diagram by Mal Peet

1. Habibi by Craig Thompson



All books, all the time, until Christmas. At which point we will all receive a stack of holiday gift books, and read ourselves into a stupor until the New Year.

Exactly how life should be.

See you tomorrow!

04 Dec 2012

gone reading

My life that is usually overrun with books has become slightly more overrun with books, aka I have reviews due this week and a pile of nonfiction reads that seems to be growing, no matter how fast I read.

I’m calling in blog-sick for a few days so I can catch up. I will be back a the end of the week, however, and ready to begin my Best Books of 2012 Extravaganza!

In the meantime, you might enjoy browsing through book awards past.

Check out 700 lists from 2011 here


Check out one respectable list from 2010 here

Be back soon!

29 Nov 2012

i read all these (nonfiction) books these weekend


Did you do anything fun over this holiday weekend? Black Friday shopping? Sleeping in? Eating out? Visit a bar? Hang out with friends? Do anything cool enough to redeem the fact that you played a largely text-based computer game that doubled as a history lesson for far too much time, restarting and saving each and every time you contracted cholera or your boat sank as you came around Cape Horn or you accidentally stole a mule and was hanged?


No. I read a butt-load of nonfiction books. Here are some exceedingly short reviews.

Zora! The Life of Zoara Neale Hurston

by Dennis Brindell Fradin and Judith Bloom Fradin

Last summer, I read another story about Zora Neale Hurston, a fictionalization of her childhood called Zora and Me. I then attended a speech by the two co-authors that proved their tireless, inspired research into Ms. Hurston’s life, as well as their absolute insistence that the mythology of Hurston’s decline into obscurity and poverty was just that – a myth. Fradin and Fradin ascribe to this mythology to an extent, which detracted from my overall reading positive reading experience; however, this biography does an excellent job of portraying Hurston as a creative, independent, and complicated lady.


Moonbird: A Year on the Wind with the Great Survivor B95

by Phillip Hoose

Dear Phillip Hoose,

I do not normally give two shakes about birds of any sort.

However, I read your books, and suddenly birds are the most interesting thing I have ever thought about.

How do you do this?

Sincerely yours,



The Plant Hunters: True Storeis of Their Daring Adventures to the Far Corners of the Earth

by Anita Silvey

Weirdo scientists who took death-defying trips into the jungle to collect plants? Cool topic. And this book is real pretty – full of hilarious old time photos of said-scientists, beautiful plant drawings, and other ephemera.

That being said… I wish that I liked this book more. I think it was a bit repetitive, “one-note”-y. Ah well.


Stars in the Shadows: The Negro League All-Star Game of 1934

by Charles R. Smith

I have little or not interest in baseball, but Stars in the Shadows gets mega-points for a cool format – it’s a slim little book, recreating a single baseball game, capturing both the on-field drama as well as the surrounding cultural excitement and involvement. It’s told entirely in rhyming verse – cool! It is heavily illustrated – cool!

The format is fun, Frank Morrison’s illustrations are just amazing, buuuut at the end of the day, the poetry was just too much of a stretch. The rhymes were often forced and the rhythm hard to latch onto. Maybe if you are an actual sports fan, you could ignore this, but it was just too much for me to keep track of.


Miles to Go For Freedom: Segregation & Civil Right in the Jim Crow Years

by Linda Barrett Osborne

The Civil Rights Movement & surrounding racial history of America is important, important, important.

However, if I have to read another Civil Right book right now… I might just have an emotional breakdown.

Regardless of my emotional state, Miles to Go focuses solely on pre-Civil Rights era atrocities, which is unique. The images – vintage signage and publications and portrait photography – are especially notable.


A Passion for Victory:

The Story of the Olympics in Ancient and Early Modern Times

by Benson Bobrick

Fun fact 1: The Olympics used to involve no-rules fighting to the death.

Fun fact 2: The Olympics were not actually popular for a significant period of time – nobody really gave a crap until the 20th century.

Fun fact 3: I have been reading too many books and I cannot summon the energy to say anything useful about this book

Fun fact 4: The Olympics were, at some point, a display of ancient Greek athletes doing sports in the nude. Let’s bring that back *cough* Michael Phelps *cough*

Blizzard of Glass: The Halifax Explosion of 1917

by Sally M. Walker

This is a little known piece of history – what could have been a mostly harmless harbor accident turned into the biggest explosion before nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Two Canadian cities decimated, countless victims.

Massachusetts was a big help, donating supplied and money, and apparently the big Christmas tree in Boston Common is a yearly gift from Nova Scotia, in thanks.

Otherwise, Death. Destruction. Explosions. Suffering. Sadness. And so it goes.

How long until I can read something about cupcakes or fairies?





28 Nov 2012

david macaulay and the eternal city

Each night, hundreds of exciting things are going on in my fair city, and even when I am expressly invited to partake in in one such activity, I usually weasel my way out of it. It’s cold/It’s far away/I am not feeling well/I had a long day/I am a insistently joyless human. Et cetera.

However, when I have an hour to kill in downtown Boston, and a man of known genius is showing up for a free lecture during that exact hour, and once, this man of known genius welcomed myself and 20 other giggling girl classmates into his lovely Vermont studio?

I go.

Quick bio: David Macaulay is a trained architect, an illustrator, a children’s book creator. Although he is most well-known for his books of narrative architectural nonfiction (Castle, Pyramid, Cathedral, etc) and his gloriously informative and clever reference tome The Way Things Work, he also won a Caldecott award for his 1991 Black and White, and also won a Macarthur Genius Grant.

I have no idea what Mr. Macaulay will be speaking on when I arrive. The crowd is not nearly as filled as I would like, but there are folks present, including an exuberant man who laughs – no, he guffaws – at Mr. Macaulay’s every joke. But I am pleased when his Powerpoint flips over to a document camera, and Mr. Macaulay begins to draw as he speaks, a Roman square.

He can communicate verbally and visually, effortlessly, simultaneously. A wonder.

The rest of his presentation might be confused with a vacation slideshow. Mr. Macaulay has gone to Italy more than once, and has taken pictures in the way that a trained architect might – noting interesting buildings, features, arrangements. This is old territory for him: he has written and illustrated not one but two books for children about Rome.

But still – it was someone else’s vacation slideshow. A Man of Known Genius’s slideshow, but a slideshow nonetheless.

However, as a Man of Known Genius is wont to do, Mr. Macaulay dragged me along through his trip, through his city, through his thought processes, and then suddenly, suddenly, suddenly the only place I’ve ever wanted to visit in the world is Rome.

He talks about the bones of human existence – the buildings and streets that rose up as a way to structure human life, to allow people to share and sell the things they need, water, food, to bring them together.

This structure exists underneath our usual perception, at once invisible and absolutely physical. Walls, cement, columns, cornices, streets, fountains, sidewalks – they take up space, but we don’t see them.

He talks about why he goes through the hassle to take his kids to Europe. “To imbue these places with memories of family.” To allow his children to see, in the walls and the details, themselves and their human role in the larger public history. The world not as a playground in which they have been plopped – free to explore, play, destroy – but an organic, changing human fabric. You exist in a larger context, your kids exist in a larger context, and for Mr. Macaualy, Rome brings all of this to the surface for adults and children alike.

A good ten or fifteen minutes after I dropped my skepticism and fell under the spell of Rome, I had a second realization – I am going. I am going to Rome.

Or at least, it is possible that I am going. Watch me second guess. But at the time of this lecture in early October, it had been a few months since The Boy and I sat down and talked about a honeymoon and landed on Italy, on Rome. I am second-guessing – we won’t have the money, we (read: I) won’t have the balls, I will defer and take a nice beachy, resorty, all-inclusive trip.

I would be excited to go to the beach, to take a cruise. I am scared, however, to go to Europe.

But maybe I am afraid to see myself as a part of a larger, human, organic fabric.

And maybe I will go to Rome.

In case you doubt Mr. Macaulay’s Known Genius, here is his Ted Talk. On Rome.

(And back from 2008 when Ted Talks were not so generously distributed across the human population)

(For what it’s worth)

24 Nov 2012

reading wishlist: i am out of time

I calculate my yearly reading quota from January 1st to December 31st; some years I am cramming books into that last week between Christmas and New Years, desperately trying to hit my arbitrary quota of 100.

This year, I am done with weeks to spare – Ask Elizabeth was my glorious 100th book of 2012 – but I am still feeling antsy. While my reading year still has weeks to go, my fiscal reading year – which is relevant for my Annual! Book! Review! Extravaganza! – is only two weeks away.

Aaand I am staring down two weeks of nonfiction after nonfiction after nonfiction.

This is fine, but at this point, my free-ranging anxiety reminds me of all those books that everyone said were AMAZING that I just didn’t get to read. Would any of those books have made the top 10, if only I’d turned off Skyrim for a few hours back in June and picked up the damn book? And what about all those books I started but never finished? WHAT ABOUT THOSE BOOKS?

Here is a handful that I just wish I had time to read:

Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

I really did like The Scorpio Races, and I really did start reading Raven Boys. And yeah, it started slow, but I would stick it out! I would!

The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach

Okay, I could just cut and paste the above sentence and place it here. Actually, I could probably cut and paste the above sentence 9 more times here. I actually did read enough of this one to get to where things got exceptionally interesting, but there was a vacation-related library-book snafu, and I had to return it.

Better luck next year? I now have an ARC in my Drawer of Shame at work, so no more untimely due dates.

The Round House by Louise Erdrich

This is the first time I’ve had a particular interest in the adult National Book Award category, but the youth category was just too all over the place this year (and *cough* Sheinkin got robbed *cough*). I have heard some good reviews of this Erdrich book, and it’s only just over 300 pages – not too long to scare me.

Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor

This one shames me. I have my copy, fresh, never been read, waiting for me. BUT ALL THE NONFICTION GAAAHHHHH

How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran

It’s been a long time since I’ve read a good feminist manifesto. And everyone went a bit gaga over this one in the summer. And I have my copy. It’s sitting there, taunting me. I could also cut and paste this sentence about eight times. What it is about library holds… you wait and wait and wait and then as soon as you have no time to read anything, all 25 come in at once?

Okay, so maybe I am the only human in the world with that problem. Carry on.

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

I think Code Name Verity takes the award for Most Personal Recommendations from Friends… that I have completely ignored. Actually, I didn’t completely ignore them… I worked on reading this for a few weeks, but this was in my late summer reading doldrums, and eventually I decided to read some fluffy lifestyle-y nonfiction instead.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

My new job has made me much more aware of trends in adult books than I usually am, and subsequently, I am more susceptible to book hype. I was number 600 and something on the hold list for this summer’s obsession – Gone Girl – and now that it was arrived, I am not even sure that it is a book that I would actually like. I’ve read a few pages and I think if I’d picked it up at a bookstore, I would put it right back down.

However, 50% of people I know who have read it say it is thrilling and disturbing and at least an interesting read. The other half said it was crap and didn’t finish.

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

I have long loved Austin Kleon’s blog for his lovely, hand-written note-taking – something about the way he combines information with visual design just pings something in my soul. I also love books on creativity! I would probably adore this book.

The Diviners by Libba Bray

Dear Libba Bray – Your books are huge. I was reading this book and then I stopped because it wouldn’t fit into my purse. Can you please divide your books by two? Thanks. Sincerely, A Concerned Reader

Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed

As we have determined in today’s post, I am a reading procrastinator with no patience who is highly susceptible to both hype and feel-good-prose. If I wasn’t such a procrastinator, I would probably like this hype-worthy, feel-goody book that is full of short, palatable essays. The end.


22 Nov 2012

holiday gift guide 2012

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I am blessed to have some dear friends to hang out with today, and am blessed to have a full-time job that requires me to work tomorrow. Seriously, though. This is the first year in the last five that I have a ready-made excuse NOT to go Black Friday shopping! SERIOUSLY, THOUGH I live with this boy who discovered Black Friday shopping awhile back with one of his fellow stingy friends, and even though he had food poisoning or the stomach flue and became violently ill while WAITING IN LINE AT A CIRCUIT CITY, he still counts it as one of the best days of his life. You should have SEEN the deal he got on that external hard drive, guys!

Aaaanyway. This year, I’ve just got to work in the morning, so sorry, honey, you can get up at 4 a.m. and put on your winter coat and hats and mittens by yourself.

But for those of you getting your holiday shopping started early, and not everyone on your list would like a 1,567 GB external harddrive, here are some books I would suggest. Do bookstores do Black Friday? If the answer is yes, I might change my curmudgeonly tune…


For babies and toddlers…


Everywhere Babies by Susan Myers and Marla Frazee

Llama Llama Time to Share by Anna Dewdney

Pantone: Colors by Helen Dardnik

This is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen


For assorted other children…


Penny and her Doll by Kevin Henkes

Wonder by R. J. Palacio

A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel by Hope Larson

Chomp by Carl Hiaasen


For your weird teenage cousins…

Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Baby’s in Black: Astrid Kirchnerr, Stuart Sutcliffe, and The Beatles by Arne Bellstorff

Pirate Cinema by Cory Doctorow

 Rookie Yearbook One ed. by Tavi Gevinson


For brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, and other “adults”…




The Signal and the Noise: Why Some Predictions Fail – But Some Don’t by Nate Silver

The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook by Deb Perelman

The Story of America: Essays on Origins by Jill Lepore

Live By Night by Dennis Lehane



21 Nov 2012

the holocaust, the civil rights movement, and first world problems

It is possible to be objective about a book, to judge literary quality based on established criteria, to separate the reader-self from the text on the page.

However, it’s probably impossible to do all that 100%, and do it 100% of the time.

A professional part of me says I should try my darndest to be that objective reader, but a big part of me doesn’t really want to bother.

(And maybe the biggest part of me just doesn’t want to? The part that likes the intersections of self and reading, that finds it amusing to chill out in this in-between? This is why I insist on keeping a blog that is about a lot of books but also in no way claiming to be a professional resource, and also why I have a lot of persistent professional angst…)

And how, exactly, do you read these three books in the same weekend and not let the reading experience of one bleed into the other?

Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust

by Doreen Rappaport

There are so many books about the Holocaust for young readers, but heck if this isn’t the most encyclopedic that I’ve encountered. And Rappaport doesn’t just retell the same retellings – instead, this book is thick with stories you haven’t heard, the often minute tales of bravery, ingenuity, and self-sacrifice enacted by Jews while they were oppressed, tortured and killed. This book is dense for certain – it took me a few weeks to muster up the energy to make it through, but man, these stories are wild! People crawling through sewers, starting armed forest civilizations, pitching homemade bombs into Nazi strongholds, and general badassery. See Marc Aronson’s NYTimes review for more coherent descriptions (maybe more professional? maybe not… I’ll let you judge).


We’ve Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children’s March

by Cynthia Y. Levinson

This is another book about unsung heroes, this time of the American variety. I took an extremely comprehensive course on the American Civil Rights Movement while in college – probably the most life-influencing course this white girl has ever sat in on, by the way – and I’m sure we learned about this march in class. However, Levinson writes about the movement in Birmingham and its participants in such vivid specificity that I couldn’t remember a single thought or assumption I had before I opened this book. Focusing in on the particular experiences of four youngsters from different backgrounds and neighborhoods, creating her text with heavy research and interview material, Levinson captures not only the tremendous maturity and resolve necessary to willingly submit oneself to angry dogs, police with billy clubs, fire hoses, and, oh, jail, (AT FOURTEEN!), but also the experience of just being a young teen during this time of Jim Crow. What it felt like to look into a restaurant from the outside and see a banana split that looked good but know that you were not allowed inside, would never be allowed inside, and that was that. What it felt like to realize that you, just a kid, had the power to influence change, and were maybe even essential to the cause.

Yes, I’ve been in a bad mood, been hormonal, been pretty crazy… but this book made me cry.


Ask Elizabeth: Real Answers to Everything You Secretly Wanted to Ask About

Love, Friends, YourBody… and Life in General

by Elizabeth Berkley

To Berkley’s credit, this is probably a book I would have lovvvvvved as a ten, eleven, twelve-year-old. As an oldest child, tween and teenhood, to me, felt like a foreign landscape that I was walking through, alone, and believe me, I knew a written map when I saw one.

However, it is not possible for me to read a book as if it exists in a vacuum, 100% impermeable to the rest of my life and the world.

And it was 100% impossible for me to read a book about bffs, crushes, and self-esteem, penned by a non-expert celebrity, no less, without One! Thousand! Eye! Rolls!

Maybe it there was one reference to the following video clip, I could have taken this book seriously.

14 Nov 2012

a black hole, a fairy, and an unending series of wars

A Black Hole is Not a Hole by Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano

One time, in my AP Chemistry class, I needed some extra credit. And by “some” extra credit, I mean a lot of extra credit. The most fun way I earned extra credit? Sewing a little white felt mole from this exact pattern and turning it in for Mole Day. The least fun way I earned extra credit? Making a Powerpoint that explained String Theory.

Although A Black Hole is Not a Hole is a compact, pleasing little science book with illustrations both charming and beautiful, and the scientific explanations are slow and clear without being oversimplified… reading this book felt a little like making that String Theory Powerpoint. This is high science that my brain is just not equipped for. How I ended up in AP Chemistry and not AP English is a great mystery.

Young scientists, allow your brains to grow bigger than mine and enjoy this book. Maybe by the time you are in high school, you won’t need any extra credit.


The Fairy Ring or Elsie and Frances Fool the World by Mary Losure

I like a good nonfiction book that exists solely to call attention to an interesting, obscure bit of history that you never would have heard about otherwise. I read a biography of a lady who stole a lot of babies once that I found questionably authoritative and downright horrifying exactly for that reason: reading about these small moments in time, these strangely influential people who have fallen from history’s radar, makes me feel like the universe is vast and interesting.

You’d think I would say that about a book about Black Holes and not about two child trick photographers…. but that’s neither here nor there.

The Fairy Ring is a pleasantly slender history of two young girls who may or may not have actually seen fairies in their backyard, but who did indeed make some trick photos with paper fairies, and those photos indeed did get national press, and the forgery was not revealed until they were both old ladies. It’s an interesting little story and Losure does a good job of calling attention to the strangeness of being a small girl in England, where you have limited agency in your daily life, but maybe have the singular power to materialize fairie-kind.


That Mad Game: Growing Up in a Warzone ed. by J.L. Powers

In case black holes and fairies are a little too upbeat for you, might I present to you a collection of narrative essay about children growing up in war zones? This is a weighty read, but worth it – each chapter is a narrative written by someone who has seen war or the effects of war firsthand, and the book as a whole becomes this testament to our world’s violent, violent history. The fact that there are so many wars past and ongoing conflicts is just baffling, especially considering the personal impact. The essay’s authors explore their own childhoods as unwilling players in war – as a Cambodian refugee, the child of a PTSD-addled Vietnam vet, as a civilian in an occupied state, as a potential Taliban recruit, as an orphan.

This book is fascinating, chilling, humbling, and it feels important. This is a small-press book – I hope that it finds as many readers as it can get.

10 Nov 2012

chuck close and chuck close

I made it my first 27 years of life without ever hearing about famous living artist, Chuck Close. Heck, I think I may have actually seen some Chuck Close portraits before; still nothing.

And then, last week, I read two books about Mr. Close, and am now an expert, I think.

First, I read Boston-Globe Horn Book Award Winning Chuck Close: Face Book. This book is structured around a school “fieldtrip” – a group of children visiting Mr. Close in his studio and, after studying his life and his work, asking him some rather astute questions. The children had questions about his childhood, his career, his art, etc. It’s a pretty little book, and has an awesome flip book in the middle with portraits you can mix and match.

And then I decided to read Chuck Close Up close by Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan, because I didn’t JUST read a biography of the same man the day before. Oh yes I did, that’s what this entire post is about! This book is like a slim picturebook, but there is a surprising amount of text. Where Chuck Close: Face Book is more casual, written in Mr. Close’s own voice, and loosely structured, Greenberg and Jordan present a more traditional biography – a format that allows a bit more depth of content.

What I’m trying to say is that

A) Chuck Close is pretty fascinating and talented, especially his thoughts on his own creative process – he is super down to earth, treats his art like craft, and is constantly adjusting his techniques and mediums to adjust for various mental and physical limitations.

B) Both books are informative, interesting reads, and you can read both back to back and not be bored.

C) It is possible that I saw a wall-sized painting of Bill Clinton and forgot about it. I think I am becoming senile.

09 Nov 2012

these books are weird

I am a fan of the weird, a champion of the weird. You blog people probably know more of my weirdness than most people I know in real life, just because, well, you are also blog people so you are more attuned to the weird, but rest assured – my actual weirdness runs deeeeep. The Boy gets a lot of my weirdness, not all… pretty sure the only people who see the 100% weird are my sisters, and maybe my parents who watched me grow up so they can extrapolate.

Anyway, I was a weird kid who liked weird books for kids, and I continue to like weird books for both adults and kids.

It is saying a lot when a book out-weirds me.

So, without further ado…

Picturebooks that appear to be weird for weirdness sake:

Parrot Carrot
by Jol Temple, Kate Temple and Jon Foye

Cecil the Pet Glacier by Matthea Harvey and Giselle Potter

An allegory-based business book with a title that is both inexplicable and phallic…

Letting Go of Your Bananas by Dr. Daniel T Drubin

Hey, that reminds of another book about bananas that I weeded from a library this week.

As much as I love retro children’s lit, a library is not a Museum of Books – it is time to say goodbye to some real oldies. I looked at this book for awhile and I couldn’t figure out why I though it was so funny, silly, weird.

Then, while I was trying to Google the title of this Banana Book because I forgot it, I realized that I was probably thinking of this awful library book, which is both weird and horrifying. Maybe all books about bananas are inherently questionable?

Anyway, I digress. We will conclude with Dame Darcy’s Handbook for Hot Witches

This book would just be normal teen-nonfiction weird, but if you can read all those swirly little words on the cover, you will see that Hot Witchery includes every skill from “Love Spells,” “Glamour Tips,” and “Banjo Playing?”

Now excuse me, I need to go eat a banana and work on my love potions.