10 Aug 2012


First week of New Job is drawing to a close, and I am so far pleased with the results.

It definitely feels excellent to go to One Job in One Location that does not involve an Hour Long Bus Ride Across the River and allows me an entire hour for lunch and a professional wage.

One of this week’s tasks has involved going through boxes and boxes of books and sorting them into piles. Maybe not everyone’s idea of a good time, but for me, a fine way to spend an afternoon. I am a fan of touching books, making piles of books, and most rote tasks in general.

So I was basically content with my lot in life when I opened a book and a slip of white paper fell into my lap. I’d forgotten that when you are touching and sorting and opening library books, sometimes, you get a surprise! I went through a short phase where I was a bit obsessed with the misplaced ephemera of strangers’ lives, after my darling mother introduced me to FOUND Magazine. The last time I worked in public libraries, I had both a filing folder and a bulletin board dedicated to storing and displaying my favorite scraps of paper.

I am taking this particular scrap of paper as a good omen; I flipped it over and found one of my favorite video game creatures on the other side.

Also, FOUND is on its 10th anniversary tour (TEN YEARS?!??!) and they are stopping at one of my favorite Boston-area bookstores next week. I may have to stop in and pay a visit, maybe leave this little guy in good hands.

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