All posts in: lists

10 May 2012

what will i learn next?

So, this is my last week of grad school.



I have been in school since August of 2009. I have not had more than a week’s break from classes in almost three years. I’ve been working anywhere between 1 and 27 jobs. My life is school and school is my life. It now appears that I am being kicked out of my institution, and I must seek greener pastures.

Ideally, those greener pastures would include A Full Time Job, but more on that nonsense later.

And even if I was to suddenly find myself with a smashing, 40 hr/week career job, I’m afraid that I am a busy body. Taking class and working eleven-million jobs has exacerbated the problem. I can barely watch a movie or play a video game or sit quietly on the couch anymore. I need projects, I need to keep moving, I am probably bordering on manic but my Brain! Must! Keep! Moving! otherwise I start to panic.

Well, this post is getting weird. Onto the good stuff. In order to shut up my panic-brain, here are some things I would like to learn now that I have a little time on my hands.

Learn how to knit

I have been meaning to learn how to knit for years and years and years. My whole family does it. I am jealous of the things they can make. My roommate took two classes and could suddenly knit entire outfits, she was such a natural. I, on the other hand, knit this square, and that was it.

I would like to try again, but in truth, knitting might not be high on my priority list. You see, the reason I keep quitting is not because I am so busy or have questionable talent, but because I am too broke to buy yarn. While I will have more time in the near future, I will not have more money. Conundrum.

Learn how to speak Spanish

A) I have always wanted to learn another language. I took two years of Spanish in high school and two semesters of French in college. I can therefore speak not-much-of-anything, but I feel I could pick up a little of either language with a bit of practice. I’m no stranger to language-learnin’. Why not learn the language that, oh, thousands of my fellow American citizens speak? That would be useful, huh?

B) You would not believe how many jobs I am getting boxed out of because I do not speak Spanish. I am a little perturbed that my fancy grad school education has left me somewhat unemployable in this manner! Anyway, this skill could be marketable for me, as well.

Learn how to run a 10K

Okay, so you are wondering “hey, Jessica, whatever happened to running a 5K? Well I will tell you: I have been able to run 3 very slow miles (with reasonable/limited amounts of walking) since about March.

But right when I was getting comfortable running 2-3 miles 4 or 5 times a week, I got really-really-really-busy. I stopped having time for quite so many runs, and on the evenings I did have off, I collapsed in a puddle of exhaustion.

I am not really making much progress, mileage-wise.

Anyway, I’d like to get my momentum back, and I’m thinking about formally “training” for a longer run. I spotted a little training plan on the Marriage Confessions blog that looked completely…. reasonable. I think this will motivate me to use some of my new-found free time to get off my butt and run regularly again.


Learn how to meditate

Some people are really zen and chill and they never grind their teeth or accidentally hold their breath or sit with their shoulders up against their ears. Some people can shut off the talk-talk-talking in their brain for more than 1 minute. I think those people are happier than me and they can do all that because they have learned to meditate.

Maybe this is not exactly true, but I feel there is likely value in being able to sit in silence and be. That is not a skill I have cultivated. I think it could help my Physical-Manifestations-of-Stress problems, as well as well as make me a less anxious (aka less snippy, less weepy, more pleasant) human being.

This will be hard. The idea of scheduling a half hour to “sit” just blows my mind. Sitting? What is that? I’m either on the go, crashed on the couch, or asleep.


Learn how to get married

I went through a brief “Plan-your-wedding-before-you-are-engaged” stage. Years ago. When I had more time to day dream. And had no idea how much things like weddings cost. Anyway, I would like to get married sometime in 2013, so now is the time to learn… and learn fast!

This is probably a post for another day, but I basically want nothing to do with wedding-planning, so this could be painful. Can we skip right to the cake-tasting?



13 Mar 2012

so you ran out of This American Life…

There comes a time in every girl’s life when your demand for This American Life podcasts outpaces a measly one-episode-a-week demand.

It’s understandable. Life throws you a lot of tedious tasks that simply can’t be accomplished without auditory assistance. Like cleaning. Folding laundry. Exercising. Opening boxes of books for hours (just me? huh…).

Or walking.

And sometimes your attention span just can’t handle an audio book, you know?

The last time I tried to listen to Non-This-American-Life podcasts, the whole concept of podcasts was fairly nascent. Which means: the podcasts available were pretty crappy. Luckily for me, there has been a boom in podcast quality during the past years! Yippee!

So here is what I have been listening to with relative obsession for the past few weeks. If you have found yourself in a This American Life drought, then these may fill that massive void in your life.

For a basic primer on quality comedy podcasts, I would recommend my friend Ashley’s post Podcasts for your Ears.

I will admit that I feel a bit of kismet has brought me to the world of podcasts. As soon as I started listening to some of the more popular comedy podcasts, I spotted references to them EVERYWHERE. It was like this bit of counterculture I was never aware of. Anyway, my introduction to these podcasts also began auspicously – as soon as I said “WAH I NEED MORE THIS AMERICAN LIFE WHAT SHOULD I DO??” I swear, the next day, Ashley made this post. MAGIC!

Ashley covers the big ones: Nerdist. WTF with Marc Maron. The Pod F. Tompkast. I’m not hooked on any of these yet, but they are certainly entertaining, and feature some quality guest stars. Head on over to Ashley’s blog for a more thorough recommendations – she’s been at it for much longer than I have!

Additional moments of kismet:

If you aren’t in the mood for comedy and you have two working ovaries, I would heartily recommend Hilary Frank’s The Longest Shortest Time. On this podcast, Frank interviews new moms and dads about the bizarre experience that is raising Very Tiny Babies. Think of this as a well-produced mommy blog for your ears. I was so sad when I listened all the way through this series.

Moment of kismet:

If you ARE in the mood for comedy, allow me to reveal my biggest obsession – You Had to Be There. I saw this article about the podcast in the NYTimes last week and was so intrigued. While I like comedy podcasts, what drew me to this one was the strange premise. The two hosts, comedians Nikki Glaser and Sara Schaefer met at a party and hit it off. They wanted to be friends. Instead of doing awkward lady-dates – or however it is you make friends when you aren’t in school I have no idea – the decided to start a podcast. So it’s part funny podcast, part two new friends getting to know each other. I am a big-time voyeur, so this was intriguing. And I was SO instantly hooked. In fact, I have not listened to anything else since discovering this one because GUESS WHAT! It’s a year old so there are 700 million episodes to listen to.


Moment of kismet:

  • I am about 10 episodes in and for some reason these episodes have been disproportionately MICHIGAN and KANSAS heavy! I believe my readership here is about 90% people from Michigan or Kansas, so this might excite you.

I will also add these notes:

  • The musical guests are all… strangely awesome.
  • It’s pretty raunchy. Actually, a lot of these podcasts are pretty raunchy. If you are adverse to the raunch, listen with care.
  • I love that this is two ladies. Lady humor ftw!

And in a final moment of kismet, just as I entered this Let’s Hunt for Podcasts stage of my life, another college friend of mine was like SO YEAH I STARTED A PODCAST!


And it is funny. Very funny. Recommend! J.D.’s Cocktail Lounge is available on my friend’s tumblr or on iTunes.

This last one has made me miss my college friends something fierce – I need more hilarious discourse in my life.

Additionally, this whole experience has made me want to start a podcast. Every time a funny exchange occurs between me and a friend in real life, I start to wonder “Hmmm… what kind of podcast could we make?” I feel like it may be a sickness, but it also makes for a fun conversation starter at parties.

But seriously. Anyone down?



02 Mar 2012

some links for march

These are the Ways You Love Yourself

“forgive yourself for not handling it all better, for feeling like you let others down. the path is not done, the road is not finished, why are you trying so hard to rush the whole thing? celebrate the fact that your story has some major departures.”

I love Meg’s posts. I bookmarked this weeks ago, but after writing yesterday’s post, it seems relevant yet again.


13 Practical Ways to Face Your Fear, Take Control, and Conquer Anxiety and Phobia

Just remember, fear is natural. It’s normal. It’s there to protect you. It’s your friend. Don’t beat yourself up for being afraid, try instead to be kind and thankful for it. Face it. And love it.

Respect it. Play with it. Make yourself comfortable with it.

Speaking of self-care, I thought this article from The Freedom Experiment about conquering legit phobias offered a lot of small, practical tactics for just calming yourself down when you’re feeling a bit too keyed up. “Breath in squares” feels much more tangible to me than “just breath.” Worth a read if you are a high-anxiety type.


15 Fights to Have Before You Get Engaged

Honey, I was watching this Oprah show about a beautiful family with forty foster children…

I found this exceedingly old article the other night and it was probably the funniest piece of relationship advice I’ve read. I like reading about how to effectively navigate major romantic relationships, but every article is the same, you know? This one hits all the obvious points, but the humor hits the points home a bit harder.


25 Things I Want To Say to So-Called “Aspiring Writers”

Agents, editors, reviewers, readers, trolls on the Internet, they’re going to say things you don’t want to hear. A thick skin isn’t enough. You need a leathery carapace. A chitinous exoskeleton. Writing is a hard-knock career where you invite a bevy of slings and arrows into your face and heart. It is what it is.

Repeat what I said above, but replace “relationships” with “writing.” I’m trying to keep this particular quote in mind this week because I am feeling too much like a delicate flower.



When We Fail To Do Our Part

These hard-working committees can miss something simply because of how overwhelming their tasks are. They can miss something because they miss something. Human error happens. But anyone who reads can pitch in and do their part, too, so books like Imaginary Girls don’t unfairly slip between the cracks.

Even though the 2011 book award frenzy is dying down, the process for handing out Newberys and National Book Awards and such is really going on all year. Kelly’s article on Stacked talks about YALSA awards and a little known way that everyday readers can “lobby” for a favorite YA underdog.


Advocating for Contemporary YA Lit

Contemporary ya lit doesn’t get the marketing or publicity bucks behind it that so many other genres do. Pay attention to the advertisements you see around for books — do many of them look familiar? Do they target the same few books over and over?

Another Stacked article! This one is a bit old, but I am taking this YA Lit class that has me thinking all about how to keep up with what’s new in YA without getting buried/discouraged – believe you me, there are SO MANY BOOKS! This article, though, presents the task as more of a professional responsibility than the simple act of “keeping up with those kiddies” – it’s important to support quality lit so that publishers will continue to support quality lit, rather than publishing Twilight knock-off after Twilight knock-off.


Sendak on Colbert

I’m sure everyone and their 90-year-old grandmother have already seen these videos, but they are SO hilarious, SO amazing, that I’m just going make extra-double-sure that EVERYONE possible has seen it.

Did you see it?

Good. Aren’t you glad?


28 Feb 2012

birthday wish list

Friends, in twelve days I am celebrating a birthday.

I am going to be quite old, let me tell you. Quite old, indeed.

And while I have little desire to add more stuff to my life, if you, for some reason, are sitting at home and saying “Gosh, I sure want to send Jessica a present for her birthday, but I just don’t know WHAT!”, well here is an extremely short list of things that I would like.

This print by one of my favorite illustrators, Sophie Blackall. I saw another one of these long posters on the subway in NYC, and I about flipped when I heard that Blackall had one. Want!

My running shoes have a big chunk missing from the inside heel – every time I take off my shoe, bits of foam fly everywhere. Also, they smell kinda awful! I need a new pair. Plus, I read/was indoctrinated by Born to Run, so I’m now convinced that my extra-padded shoes are giving me injuries every time I run. So maybe a minimally padded number, like these fancy New Balance Minimus? Anyone?

Ever since I beat Twilight Princess, there’s been a small hole in my heart. Not that I have any time for video games…… but I want to have time for video games…. If you are reading this and want to beat it and then mail it to me *cough* DOROTHY! *cough*, then this would count as a birthday present.

I think if I had all those things, my life would be complete.

Unless anyone has a fulltime job + benefits laying around they’d like to offer, that is…

22 Feb 2012

three things i learned today

1. Beverly Cleary is the oldest living Newbery Award winner.

She is 95 years old.

2. Ned Vizzini has a new book coming out this year. It is sci-fi/fantasy-y… but I have been reading Mr. Vizzini since I read Teen Angst? Naaahh… in like, 1998 or something.

His new book – The Other Normals, due out in in Fall 2012 – is somewhat on the hush-hush. There’s not even a cover online.

But it does have a cover. I saw it! In the flesh! Today! Maybe I’ll even get to take it home. Who knows.

3. One my absolute favorite book series of all time has been repackaged and reissued.

So this is a great series that has been around for my entire lifespan of almost-27-years, but it has been constantly plagued by terrible covers. The characters either look way too young, way too old, way too eighties, way too nineties…

but finally, Alice McKinley has found…


Seriously. Perfect. I’m officially obsessed. I want to buy a brand new set, abandon my life’s duties, and re-read and gaze lovingly upon every cover. Julia Denos, rock on. Rock. On.