23 Jun 2012

get out of my chimney

Tonight, they boy and I went to the Coolidge Corner Theater to watch the new Wes Anderson movie.

Don’t worry, we aren’t actually that twee. We were supposed to do something else fun, but then *somebody* slept in too late, and then *somebody else* got grumpy because we had about .2 oz of coffee in the house and she didn’t get lunch until after 2, and then we had car troubles.

The movie was an ameliorative for the general bad mood of the day, and when the boy wants to suck up to me, he lets me pick the movie. Ask me about the time he surprised me with tickets for Stick It.

Anyway, the experience did it’s job.

The movie featured some of my favorite things: summer camp, awkward first love, and children’s books.

The theater also featured some of my favorite things: comfy seats, Boylan’s fountain soda, alcohol, room for long legs, and an audience who claps when the movie is over.

Also, when we emerged from the theater, it was no longer 90 degrees out. Praise. The. Lord.

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