05 Jun 2012

new life, new notebook

You know what they always say:

when life hands you lemons, go out and buy a fancy notebook.

I haven’t kept a daily notebook like this in quite some time. Grad school has been a mix of self-created spreadsheets and printed schedules and elaborate systems with binders and note cards and color coded things.

Yes, there is still the Google calendar, which was necessary to balance three jobs, but there is a limit to what the GCal can do. It can tell you where to be and when to be there, but it can’t tell you what to do in the in betweens. It can’t keep you on track, longterm, when your days and weeks become less regimented and begin to blur together.

Enter: the daily Moleskine. One page per day for to-do lists, chores, schedules, dinner menus, books to read, notes, recipes, phone numbers. A place to write down what time you need to set your alarm or leave for the bus. A place to flip through the upcoming week and map out your free time. A place to practice your penmanship. To draw little pictures. To scheme. To scribble things out.

To sit down and think about what’s important in my week.

This is a luxury, maybe. Something I didn’t have time for while I was studying, something I didn’t find useful. But for now, I can, and I feel like I should.

A new notebook is good for my soul, I think. Without a pen on paper in my life, I feel like I might drift away.


  1. Jess wrote:

    I completely agree, notebooks are simply good for your soul! I’ve had a lifelong obsession of sorts with notebooks, although I must admit that at times I felt like many of my accumulated notebooks didn’t have a purpose…but this summer I’m taking control of my notebooks! So far I’m keeping up with it 🙂

    I’m not sure if you saw my response to your post back on my blog, but just wondering, are you by any chance going to the Children’s Lit Association Conference at Simmons? I don’t know if this is weird but I just thought it might be cool to meet up if you’re around Boston and not busy and talk about books and children’s lit and sort of things you’ve done to get on the path you’re on, like jobs and internships and stuff. I have really similar interests ( I guess especially in terms of academics and career choice) and I thought it would be great to talk with you for a little bit.

    Good luck with your notebooking!!

    Posted on 6.6.12 · Reply to comment
    • jessica wrote:

      I did not see your comment – my apologies! I *will* be attending ChLA… I actually will be volunteering as the “Official Photographer” (oy). I am excited though because many of my friends are presenting. I will be there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday – we should definitely chat! Drop me an email – herlifewithbooks at gmail.

      Posted on 6.6.12 · Reply to comment

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