I am not reading any fiction right now. I am reading a really long and interesting nonfiction book about food and products that are not really food but we eat them anyway. I am re-reading The Happiness Project because I have mental issues and this book calms me down. I just started a new audiobook, but but but I’m not reading any paper fiction and it feels weird.
I have also put myself back in hold jail, so I must work with what I have. Here are my top contenders:
Caring is Creepy – snagged from the Alex Awards list. Am I in the mood for something dark and creepy and messed up?
No? Maybe a fun, award-winning animal book? The One and Only Ivan is sitting here, waiting for me, and did you guys know that each page is mostly white space? I am fond of a good book with a lot of white space on the page.
Or I could dig into my ever-growing pile of Advanced Readers. Can Lauren Graham write a book that is worth reading? I have the answer to this question in my purse – Someday, Someday Maybe – if only I could decide on what to read.
And last but not least, a new-ish YA that has captured my attention – The Tragedy Paper. The public asked that I buy it for the library, so I did. My Dearest Former Roommate read it and didn’t like it. So I should read it and form my own opinion?
I have all of these books at the ready, ready to read. Which one will it be? Well, here’s a helpful tournament bracket that will help me decide:
Just kidding. There is no way I am making a bracket of anything. I am just going to hem and haw uselessly for a few more days and then pick whatever book is closest to me in whatever part of my apartment I happen to be in.
Have you seen some of the great book-related brackets out there? My co-workers and I filled out two separate ones. #NerdAlert
I’ve really been wanting to read The One and Only Ivan for quite some time. I would recommend digging yourself out of hold jail and get on that one already.
PS – Getting 168 Hours from the library today. Realized Daring Greatly was too good of a book to check out, so it’s being purchased.
PPS – Realized I hadn’t read the Jessica Darling series in years, now buying used copies via Amazon. Thought you would appreciate.
Just finished The One and Only Ivan today, so I’d have to vote for that one. The white space surprised me, but I got into it (made for a quick read, too).
I really liked the Tragedy Paper