22 Mar 2013

fiction madness

I am not reading any fiction right now. I am reading a really long and interesting nonfiction book about food and products that are not really food but we eat them anyway. I am re-reading The Happiness Project because I have mental issues and this book calms me down. I just started a new audiobook, but but but I’m not reading any paper fiction and it feels weird.

I have also put myself back in hold jail, so I must work with what I have. Here are my top contenders:

Caring is Creepy – snagged from the Alex Awards list. Am I in the mood for something dark and creepy and messed up?

No? Maybe a fun, award-winning animal book? The One and Only Ivan is sitting here, waiting for me, and did you guys know that each page is mostly white space? I am fond of a good book with a lot of white space on the page.

Or I could dig into my ever-growing pile of Advanced Readers. Can Lauren Graham write a book that is worth reading? I have the answer to this question in my purse – Someday, Someday Maybe – if only I could decide on what to read.

And last but not least, a new-ish YA that has captured my attention – The Tragedy Paper. The public asked that I buy it for the library, so I did. My Dearest Former Roommate read it and didn’t like it. So I should read it and form my own opinion?

I have all of these books at the ready, ready to read. Which one will it be? Well, here’s a helpful tournament bracket that will help me decide:

Just kidding. There is no way I am making a bracket of anything. I am just going to hem and haw uselessly for a few more days and then pick whatever book is closest to me in whatever part of my apartment I happen to be in.


  1. Tomissa wrote:

    Have you seen some of the great book-related brackets out there? My co-workers and I filled out two separate ones. #NerdAlert

    I’ve really been wanting to read The One and Only Ivan for quite some time. I would recommend digging yourself out of hold jail and get on that one already.

    PS – Getting 168 Hours from the library today. Realized Daring Greatly was too good of a book to check out, so it’s being purchased.

    PPS – Realized I hadn’t read the Jessica Darling series in years, now buying used copies via Amazon. Thought you would appreciate.

    Posted on 3.22.13 · Reply to comment
  2. Amanda wrote:

    Just finished The One and Only Ivan today, so I’d have to vote for that one. The white space surprised me, but I got into it (made for a quick read, too).

    Posted on 3.23.13 · Reply to comment
  3. Janssen wrote:

    I really liked the Tragedy Paper

    Posted on 3.23.13 · Reply to comment

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