Last October, I posted about my favorite Maurice Sendak book.
This past Saturday, I carried around this t-shirt for three or four hours while I worked at my bookstore, trying to decide if I had enough money to buy it.
During three years in grad school, I have seen about three movies in the theater. One was Where the Wild Things Are.
In my picturebook class, we studied an impressive list of fifty illustrators. Sendak was not on the list, we were told, because we would keep talking about him all semester whether he was on it or not.
Today, my program was asked by national news operations to comment on the life and legacy of this artist and author.
Today, I have been asked to put together a book display in my library to honor his passing.
When I was small, my mother read me In The Night Kitchen; I think I will probably always remember her voice, his words, in this way.